"Romanzo gotico" CD

Price in AUD$ including postage area



Track Listing

01. Tom Rakewell (in Bedlam)
02. Premature burial
03. Romanzo gotico
04. Phantasmagoria
05. Remember remember
06. Sodom and Gomorrah
07. St Bartholomew's day
08. Bosch
09. Micca in Hell
10. Clockwork toy factory
11. Spring Heeled Jack

Mixed by

Robert Massaglia

Mastered by

Adam Calaitzis at Toyland recording studio, Melbourne


Joanne Missen on 'Romanzo gotico'
Enia Valentina Dellepiane, AKA Nia Victoria Morgan on 'St Bartholomew's day'
The Baroness (courtesy of 'Opera Macabre') on 'Phantasmagoria' and 'St Bartholomew's day'
Tim Harris on 'Sodom and Gomorrah'

The Players

Master of Ceremonies: Robert Massaglia
Hurdy Gurdy, Appalachian and Hammered Dulcimers: Robert Massaglia, Joanne Missen
Guitar: Mark Tansley (courtesy of Razorfade)
Percussions: Ash Bauermeister


Colson Hurdy Gurdy courtesy of Harry Wass at Medieval Instruments Tasmania

A digital release can be also purchased from cdbaby.com, iTunes and Amazon stores.